Burnaddon (バーナドドン, Bānadodon) is one of the kaiju in SSSS.DYNAZENON deployed by Kaiju Eugenicists.
Burnaddon is a bipedal hunched kaiju with purple, yellow, black, pink, and green coloration with trunk-like legs, horned reptilian head with prominent chin and a single eye inside the mouth. On top of its neck is a broad neck that ends with a device through which it generates its volatile sparks. Near the base of its barbed tail are a pair of stubby legs ended with claws.
Burnaddon has the power to generate waves of sparks that explode after traveling for a certain distance or upon impact on the target. This ability can be used defensively as much as offensively; in addition of can be deployed as preemptive strikes as produced blasts can disorient foes since individual explosion only inflicts moderate damage, it can focus its explosions at one point in front of it to repel any foes who got too close, which is a good thing due to its implied lack of melee ability. This power, however, cannot be deployed in areas without air such as outer space, which made sense as the blasts require oxygen to work.
As the kaiju explodes upon being destroyed even in outer space, however, its whole body is as volatile as sparks it produce.
First appearing at storage area in Chiba prefecture, Burnadon occasionally generates volatile sparks to blow up things around it. By the time Kaiju Eugenicists found it, Burnaddon already dormant at an electrical transmission tower surrounded by people and the police. Onija then awakens the beast and puts it under his control before proceeds to use it to wreak havoc. The news of its rampage quickly spread and alerts Gauma who then calls Yomogi and Minami to fight it, making them skip a few classes at school.
Burnaddon initially maintains an upper hand in battle because Dynazenon's three co-pilots felt distrustful towards Gauma who revealed to be the former member of Kaiju Eugenicists until he confessed the reason why he deserted the group in the first place. Although they managed to reaffirm their trust to one another thus managed to form Dynazenon, it was not enough because of it showcased the ability to arrange its explosions into a temporary barrier. Knowing its ability only works due to air around (the blasts require oxygen to burn), Gauma and co. have Dynazenon carrying their opponent to the outer space before finishing it off with Dynazenon Full Burst. In response of this, Onija ejects Burnaddon's surviving head against the mech, prompting them to shift Dynazenon to Dyna Rex and perform Rex Fang to crush it, preventing it from dangerously self-destructing near them. The destroyed Burnaddon's remains soon rain down on earth, humiliating Onija who nearly killed by one of the falling debris.