Gridman Wiki

Contact (接・触, Sesshoku) is the sixth episode of SSSS.GRIDMAN.


Confident that Yuta Hibiki is Gridman, Akane Shinjo orders Anti to kill him. However, having not eaten anything, Anti begins to succumb to hunger when Rikka Takarada comes across him. Rikka kindly feeds and bathes him before he runs off. Akane approaches Sho Utsumi with their mutual love for kaiju, and she attempts to extract more information out of him as Borr secretly watches. Utsumi doesn't reveal anything, much to Akane's disappointment.

Yuta encounters a young girl who claims she is a kaiju and that she knows Yuta from his past. The kaiju girl takes Yuta on a train ride outside the city, where she prevents him from falling asleep to show him nothing exists outside of the city. Kaiju girl then reveals that the city Yuta lives in is entirely constructed by Akane, who uses kaiju to continually destroy and rebuild the city without anybody's knowledge. She warns Yuta that Akane is being manipulated by an outside force, and that only he can stop it. Furthermore, even though she is a kaiju, she was not created by Akane and existed long before the city did. Kaiju girl then thanks Yuta for helping her predecessor before taking her leave.

On the way home, Yuta is attacked by Anti, but is saved by Max and Samurai・Calibur's intervention. They point out to Anti that if he kills Yuta, he'll never have a proper battle against Gridman, which Anti agrees with and he leaves. Yuta decides to go back to the shop to report everything to Gridman, where he finds his friends waiting for him, while Alexis・Kerib silently watches Akane.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Voice Drama[]

  • 6.6: What Are the Neon Genesis Junior High Students? (新世紀中学生って何ですか?, Shinseki Chūgakuseitte Nani Desuka?)
    • The Gridman Alliance and the Neon Genesis Junior High Students talk about school and Yuta forgets what he was going to say.


  • The junk shop customer with the keyboard resembles, and is voiced by Masaya Obi, the actor who played Naoto Sho in Denkou Choujin Gridman.[1]
  • Kaiju girl is named Anosillus in the English credits; "Shojo Kaiju Anosillus the 2nd" in the Japanese credits. She wears the same shirt design as Unison in Denkou Choujin Gridman Episode 6 - Melody of Terror.  That's the event which she must be talking about, wherein Gridman saved her predecessor, Anosillus. More specifically, Anosillus is saved when Yuki jacks a music keyboard into Junk, and plays a healing song.[2] It's the same song as kaiju girl plays to wake up Hibiki during their train ride, "Yume no Hero", the opening theme to Denkou Choujin Gridman.
  • When Hibiki and kaiju girl get on the train, the signboard says the destination is Sakuragaoka, the city in which Denkou Choujin Gridman takes place.  When they arrive, they are back at Tsutsuji-dai, and the signboard now shows that all routes lead only to Tsutsuji-dai.
  • The song Rikka was listening to is the ending theme of Inferno Cop.

