Dyna Dragon (ダイナドラゴン ) is Gridman's secondary Assist Weapon support mecha in Gridman the Hyper Agent.
It can switch battle modes becoming its Dragon Fortress (ドラゴンフォートレス ) aircraft configuration, and Gridman's third Assist Weapon.
Technical Overview[]
Just like God Zenon, Dyna Dragon is another Assist Weapon combination robot created and controlled by Ippei Baba and Yuka Inoue to support Gridman's battles. The first component was the Dragonic Cannon (ドラゴニックキャノン ), a plasma flame-thrower inspired by Ippei by one of the treasures from a Chinese Mummy, and the Chinese military dragon-themed cannons hence the cannon's dragon/theropod dinosaur-shaped muzzle. It was deployed in its first battle against Mecha Bagira before patch-updated to mode configure into its aircraft form, Dyna Fighter (ダイナファイター ) for its battle against Mecha Flamelar.
Before the Mecha Stealgun battle, Ippei created the additional King Jet (キングジェット ) unit to advance the Dyna Fighter's dogfight tactics and its combination into Dragon Fortress. Until then, Ippei was in dilemma about the wing color until he chose white as per his art teacher's suggestion.
During the Neo Metallus battle, the data of a reconstructed Tyrannosaurs skeleton inspired Ippei to complete the update patch for the Dragon Fortress. The implemented image of the dinosaur became the basis for the Dragon Fortress to mode configure into Dyna Dragon.
During the Venora battle, Ippei had a difficulty in designing Dyna Dragon's powered suit configuration for Gridman to counter the Kaiju's toxic gas ability despite already prepared the combination program beforehand. Eventually, he simplified by reconfiguring King Jet instead as per Yuka's suggestion, the latter resulted in Gridman's mobile form, King Gridman.
In the final battle, Dyna Dragon was destroyed by Khan Digifer when it chased Gridman back to Junk and destroying its program alongside God Zenon's and Gridman Sword's. Both God Zenon and Dyna Dragon were later restored so Gridman and his brother Gridman Sigma could combat Neo Khan Digifer.
As Dragon Fortress, Dyna Dragon is a red and white massive aircraft-like Assist Weapon with golden and blue parts. It also has two pairs of heavy pieces on the sides, a crest just behind the cockpit, and Dragonic Cannon docked underneath.
When it assumed its draconic/dinosaur configuration, heavy pieces on the sides unfold into arms and legs, the cockpit and crest folds to form the chest, and both crested head and tail emerges to complete the transformation.
Attacks & Abilities[]
In contrast to other Assist Weapons, Dyna Dragon is variable in multiple battle forms as a weapon (Dragonic Cannon), support vehicles (Dyna Fighter and King Jet), independent robot (Dyna Dragon), and Gridman's armor (King Jet) altogether. It is also a lightning bruiser equivalent to God Zenon; both displayed impressive offensive and defensive capabilities on their own yet Dyna Dragon's capabilities lie superior in terms of speed.
- Fortress Missiles: Dragon Fortress can fire missiles with enough firepower to damage a Kaiju's durable hide.
- Penetrator Cannons: Built-in cannons with enough firepower to damage a Kaiju's durable hide, and also fired as Dyna Dragon's shoulder blasters.
- Dragon Roar: Dyna Dragon can project fiery heat beam from its mouth.
- Claws and Tails: Dyna Dragon is outfitted with sharp claws and tail to perform devastating melee attacks, such as Tail Lancer (tail whip attack), Dragon Claws (claw slash attack), and Dragon Kick (powerful clawed kick)
- Viewstorm Alpha Beta (ビューストームα・β ): A beam attack formation which combines Dyna Fighter's Dyna Laser and King Jet's King Laser. It was first used to disable Mecha Stealgun' invisibility.

Dragonic Cannon in its default weapon mode (bottom) and aircraft mode known as Dyna Fighter (top)
Inspired by dragon-themed cannons used by Chinese military in the past hence the dragon shaped head as a muzzle, Dragonic Cannon is a bazooka-like assist weapon Gridman can use to fire destructive fiery beams that can severely injure a Kaiju in one hit, a technique called Dragon Fire. The Hyper Agent can also use it in his King Gridman form as revealed in Denkou Choujin Gridman: "boys invent great hero", though enhanced strength provided by said form allows him to wield it like a hand cannon and the beam is depicted much more intense.
Dragonic Cannon would later receive its aircraft mode known as Dyna Fighter armed with Dyna Missiles and Dyna Lasers and remotely controlled by Ippei or Yuka in the same manner as God Zenon's parts.