Full Powered Gridknight (フルパワーグリッドナイト, Furu Pawā Guriddonaito) is the Hyperknight Combination (超合体騎士, Chō Gattai Kishi) form of Gridknight and Powered Zenon in the Gridman Universe.
Technical Overview[]
The ultimate union of Gridknight when combined with Neon Genesis Junior High Students in their Assist Weapon forms that come together in an enormous robotic suit of armor synthesized of the following.
- Battle Tract Max: Arm platings.
- Buster Borr: Breastplate, helmet.
- Sky Vitter: Leg platings and rocket greaves.
- Gridman Caliber: Crest chestplate, main weapon.
This essentially is an amalgamation of his other upgraded forms with Max, Borr and Bit respectively which greatly bolsters Gridknight's strength, speed, and durability to higher levels with flight propulsion. Though its battle specifications are the same as Full Powered Gridman using the same combination units, the difference with Gridknight being the core unit alters Powered Zenon to adapt dark blue and red color palette in response to Knight's.
But like all the other Hyper Agents' combinations, Gridknight and the NGJHS are forced to manifest a fraction of their normal access form size due to Junk's memory limitations, resulting the said form stands at a height comparable to Gridknight's normal stature and arguably not at its fullest potential until the Junk is upgraded.
From "The Gattai" DX figure, tt can even switch chestplates with Goldburn.
Attacks & Abilities[]
As of result, Full Powered Gridknight is capable of utilizing every arsenal from the NGJHS team/Assist Weapons.
- Gridknight Calibur: Full Powered Gridman's main weapon, namely Samurai Calibur himself.
- Twin Drills (ツインドリル,, Tsuin Doriru): Buster Borr's main arsenal.
- Twin Drill Break (ツインドリルブレイク, Tsuin Doriru Bureiku): Fires the Twin Drills as guided missiles from Gridman's shoulders, and would regenerate after usage upon impact. The attack is based off from Thunder Gridman's Drill Break.
- Twin Buster Grid Beam (ツインバスターグリッドビーム, Tsuin Basutā Guriddo Bīmu): Double Grid Beams fired from the Twin Drills.
- Buster Grid Missiles (バスターグリッドミサイル, Basutā Guriddo Misairu): Fires a barrage of missiles from Buster Borr's treads.
- Breast Spark (ブレストスパーク, Buresuto Supāku): Fires a green lightning bolt from the crystal on his chestplate. The attack is based off from Thunder Gridman's Grid Fire and Chest Beam.
Signature Attacks[]
- Full Powered Light Wave Missile (フルパワー爆裂光波弾, Furu Pawā Chō Dengeki Kikku):
- Full Powered Grid Rex Roar (フルパワーグリッドレックスロア, Guriddo Furu Pawā Finisshu): A combination with Dynarex and an alternate version of the Burning Grid Red Roar, where the user focuses all its power on the Gridknight Calibur and fire together with the Rex Roar.