Gagula (ガギュラ, Gagyura) is the final kaiju in SSSS.DYNAZENON.
Gagula is a vaguely reptilian, semi-humanoid kaiju which vaguely mechanical in appearance as with ones before it. It has several crystalline structures growing on its back, a massive horn that covers majorities of its head as much as armored plate that covers its lower jaw, three curving dorsal fins on the nape, a barb on the point of its robust long tail, and forearm shield about its arms. Being more of Sizumu's very kaiju-half/alter-ego as opposed a mere beast under his control like Neophobia before it, Gagula adopts the color scheme of its host's features from his apparel's color scheme to a trailing quill/growth behind its back shaped after his braided hair.
After Sizumu absorbs his comrades into it and shares their control over it, Gagula's chest opened up into rainbow-colored chest plating adorned with a kaiju seed-like growth on the center. Its horn and jawplate similarly opened up to reveal its face. In this state, electric yellow, green, cyan, and magenta glows and meridians run across its body.
Gagula originated from Kaiju Seed Sizumu hid inside his body for quite a while until he unleashed it during the final confrontation against Gauma and co. Whereas Kaiju before it grew from emotions in random people within vicinity of their seed form, this monstrosity instead fueled by strong emotions in three specific people; its host and human half Sizumu, Yume (who plagued by emotional turmoil from the death of her late sister Kano), and Yomogi (who determined to help Yume overcoming her trauma along with his growing romantic feelings for her). This vicious combination in turn, contributed Gagula to develop into a near-unstoppable behemoth, more so after the rest of Kaiju Eugenicists merged with it. Before then, it acted as the source of unique powers seemingly exclusive to Sizumu owing to his strong bond with the developing Gagula within, such as energy barrier, concussive blasts, the ability to remain active without the need of eat or sleep, endowing power boost to Kaiju he heals as demonstrated with Bullbind, and accurately communicate and determine attributes of developing Kaiju as hinted when he dismissed Zaiohn as failure and subsequently let Gauma and co. dispose it in his stead.
- The name is derived from Caligula effect, a psychological term referring to the guilt and excitement that comes after doing something that a person isn't supposed to do.
- Its tail-slide kick is referenced from Godzilla from the 1973 tokusatsu kaiju film.