Goldburn (ゴルドバーン, Gorudobān) is a unique kaiju that debuted in SSSS.DYNAZENON. It was originated from a strange pebble fueled by Chise Asukagawa's emotions thus loyal to the heart of its creator, while named from one of her posters. Alongside Dynazenon, it can combine with Gridknight to form Kaiser Gridknight.
After the final battle, Goldburn carried the function-ceased Dynazenon with the Gridknight Alliance to the Computer World as Chise bid it farewell.
It reappears in the GRIDMAN UNIVERSE (film) where during the climax battle with Mad Origin, Akane Shinjo uses Chise Asukagawa's new dragon tattoo to evolve Goldburn into Big Goldburn (ビッグゴルドバーン ).
As with other kaijus that later fell under Kaiju Eugenicists' control, Goldburn initially appeared as peculiar-looking pebble/pearl-like object before gradually manifesting roots about it which eventually forming the frame of its completed state where in this case, a gold and black wyvern-like creature with blue tail fins and red eyes. The peculiar circumstances surrounding its creation saw its appearance much more mechanical comparable to Dynasoldier or Dyna Rex instead of vaguely mechanical like Kaiju Eugenicists' kaijus.
Because it was born from Chise's feelings of left out coupled with the desire to fight alongside her friends and cousin Koyomi, Goldburn displayed a definite personality in form of unmistakable loyalty to Chise and willingness to protect her and her friends from harm, something she discovered when it nearly attacked the school she used to attend upon sensing it has something to do with her distress, much to her panic. Its unique ability such as combining with Dynazenon and Dynasoldier as well as transforming into a huge shield reflects its creator's aforementioned desire.
- Chaos Bringer (カオスブリンガー, Kaosu Buringaa): Goldburn's special ability in form of emitting a golden beam from its mouth that alters matter of its targets, whether shrink or grow, but corresponds to its creator's heart.
- Shield Mode: Goldburn's shield mode where it transforms into a giant defensive shield.
- Barrier: Creates a spherical barrier to encase targets. In addition of protecting them from influence of a Kaiju's supernatural influence, the barrier can also be used to levitate anything encapsulated within.

Grid Burn Knight (グリッドバーンナイト, Guriddo Bān Naito) is Goldburn's combination with Gridknight becoming its aerial upgrade form.
- Speed and Flight: With Goldburn acting as winged jetpack, Grid Burn Knight can fly at supersonic speed, able to easily evade multiple projectiles on ease while closing in upon foes.
- Blazing Hot Inferno: Burning Grid Rex Roar (必勝灼烈大火炎 バーニンググリッドレックスロアー, Hisshō Shakuretsu Daikaen Bāningu Guriddo Rekkusu Roā): A combination attack and powerful version of Dynarex's Rex Roar, performed in conjunction with Gridknight's Gridknight Storm.

Big Burn Gridman ( is the provisional name of the aerial combination between Goldburn's new form, Big Goldburn with )Gridman in his Universe Fighter form.
- Grid Hyper Fixer Beam (グリッドハイパーフィクサービーム ): An ultimate version of Gridman's Fixer Beam in his Universe Fighter form. Big Goldburn's wing expand while charging energy, while firing the beam at maximum output which metaphysically affects the target in both destruction and regeneration.
Originally to be designed as a phoenix-motif kaiju with names like "King Phoenix" or "Kaiser Burn", but was suggested by Akira Amemiya to its present form to consider matching Gridknight with ominous wings. Its roar is a processed sound of Anzai (Chise's VA), making sounds from the back of her throat and shouting "Chise" with different strengths.
- It is the third anime kaiju to allege itself for good in another alignment like Anti evolving himself from Kaiju into another hero (Anti evolves into a Gridmen-like being while Goldburn Assist Weapon-esque draconic robot).
- It revolves around the following controversies of other mecha series.
- Golden Warrior Gold Lightan: Full gold-plated mecha like Gold Lightan
- The Golden Brave Goldran: Same as above like Goldran and having the same wing-jetpack attachment combination as Sorakage who combines with the latter to become Sky Goldran, as exampled by Grid Burn Knight and Big Burn Gridman.