Gridman Wiki

Gridman (グリッドマン, Guriddoman) is the titular hero of Gridman the Hyper Agent and main focus of the Gridman Universe. A Hyper Agent from the Hyper World who, in pursuit of Khan Digifer, came across Naoto Sho and his computer, "Junk." Sensing good in Naoto, Gridman chose him as his host, and merged with him, giving him the Accepter, and upgrading "Junk", all in order to stop Khan Digifer's kaiju army from wreaking havoc on Computer World (world within computers).

The character later makes his return in SSSS.GRIDMAN, the first installment of Studio Trigger's Gridman Universe, at which he chose Yuta Hibiki as his host so they can stop Alexis Kerib. Yet the circumstances of his partnership with his new host contrasted that of with Naoto: Injuries he sustained from the fight against Alexis resulted Gridman split into six fragments. Whereas Gridman's master fragment resided within Tsutsudjidai's recreation of the Junk, four of the fragments spawned new Hyper Agents that become both hosts of said fragments and new assist weapons at the simulated city while the last one ended up possessed his new partner Yuta, resulting the latter's seemed amnesia.


Befitting to Anosillus the 2nd's statement where humanity provided Gridman his form in GRIDMAN UNIVERSE and necessity to merge with a chosen human host and partner in order to fight at his fullest, the Hyper Agent lacked a fixed physical appearance despite consistently manifesting as a humanoid being in a full-body suit and helmet not unlike Ultramen from Ultra Series albeit with technological features which help him greatly in carrying out his duty as a Hyper Agent. Indeed, he utilized Ippei Baba's superhero design as basis for his would-be default form while bonding with Naoto Sho. When bonding with subsequent chosen hosts, Gridman assumes Fighter form which aesthetic reflects hosts in question (ex. Yuta's being encased in extra armor plating which made him robotic in appearance whle Eboshi's a samurai).


Gridman is a heroic being to the core, having dedicated his life to protect the innocent. While he is unable to remember his past as much as Yuta who lost his memories for some reasons, Gridman maintains his dedication to his mission, and even supportive to Yuta and fellow members of the Gridman alliance even about trivial things.

As shown in some of the radio dramas in SSSS.Gridman, Gridman will occasionally drop in on a conversation, much to the embarrassment and covering up that Yuta and others had to do when talking to people who haven't heard of Gridman.




This is Gridman's classic form, designed and given by Ippei Baba from his own CG concept of a superhero. Before Gridman can leave, the Access Code must be entered to Junk, this password is "GRIDMAN". The form is clad in Techtarian Armor which protect him from attacks and possesses numerous features such as Energy Lamp (forehead crystal/lamp that will blink should his giant form putting too much strain on Junk (the PC that powers his giant form), Radar Ear (ear-like pieces on the sides of the helmet which acts as radar to detect foes around him), Crystal Converter (Gridman's source of power), Tri-Juster (pieces on breastplate through which he emits Fixer Beam), and Gravity Metal Greaves (which enable flight). Upon regaining his original form near the end of events of SSSS.Gridman, he retains Thrusters from his Fighter forms which further improves his flight and speed.

Excluding his use of Assist Weapons and hand-to-hand combat skills, the following are special abilities Gridman can deploy on his own:

Via Accepter[]

  • Accepter Usage: In addition of forming connection between him and his host and partner's own Accepter, the device enables him to perform following techniques:
    • Grid Beam (グリッドビーム, Guriddo Bīmu): Gridman's finishing attack. It is a destructive beam that can destroy a monster in one hit.
      • Grid Hyper Beam (グリッドハイパービーム, Guriddo Haipā Bīmu): Gridman's final resort attack activated via the DPSPAR: 1014 program made by Takeshi after Kahn Digifer destroyed all of Gridman's Assist Weapon programs. The light it emits is estimated to be around 20,000 lux, which is the same as daylight. It was powerful enough to destroy Kahn Digifer and Takeshi Todo's PC Computer world.
    • Spark Beam (スパークビーム, Supāku Bīmu): Projecting fiery spark bolts with enough firepower to cripple a monster in one or more shots. Can also be fired in point-blank range.
    • Grid Light Saber (グリッドライトセイバー, Guriddo Raito Seibā): An energy boomerang powerful enough to cut the monster's body in half when thrown.
      • Grid Light Saber Slash (グリッドライトセイバースラッシュ, Guriddo Raito Seibā Surasshu): A close-ranged version of the Grid Light Saber. It is an energy blade summoned from the Accepter.
    • Tiger Thunder (ティグルサンダー, Tiguru Sandā): A surge of stream-like, fiery energy beam fired from Accepter with superior firepower than Grid Beam.


  • Size Change: Using the P-L68060X upgrade program, Gridman can take on a giant size in the Computer World. While this ability would affect his time limit, Gridman's maximum size limit is 70 meters high.
  • Paint Program: A program made by Yuka that is used to interfere a monster's invisibility. Used against Stealgan.
  • Super Conductivity Kick (超電導キック, Chōdendō Kikku): A jumping kick attack from high up.
    • Neo Super Conductivity Kick (ネオ超電導キック, Neo Chōdendō Kikku): An enhanced version of the Super Conductivity Kick. Gridman's feet are covered in red energy as he flips around in mid-air, strong enough to break through the monster's body.
  • Fixer Beam (フィクサービーム, Fikusā Bīmu): Using his Tri-Juster, Gridman emits streams of sparks that can restore anything it touches, from computer systems to heal humans and environment itself.
    • Grid Fixer Beam (グリッドフィクサービーム, Guriddo Fikusā Bīmu): An offensive version of the Fixer Beam, it has the special property of undoing damage and healing the hearts of humans. It is also powerful enough to damage Alexis・Kerib.
  • Grid Kinesis (グリッドキネシス, Guriddo Kineshisu): Gridman can free his host and even others from a monster's influence through the Accepter to wake them up. This works by either channeling enough amount of energy into the Accepter or entering their dreams.
  • Barrier Beam (バリアービーム, Bariā Bīmu): Concussive, conical beam of energy developed to counter Stealgan's energized shockwave.
  • Materialize Beam (実体化ビーム, Jittai-ka Bīmu): Eye beams to complete the schematics of Assist Weapons summoned by Ippei and Yuka before the two developed more conventional way to deploy them in their complete form (Assist Weapon Selector).

Fighter Forms refer to different forms (excluding his combinations) he adapts in his later battles.

Gridman Initial Fighter

Gridman's weakest Fighter form, characterized by white, green, and purple color scheme and extra armor plating which made him robotic in appearance. The reason of its coloration and being sluggish is due to Yuta and the Hyper Agent's incomplete merger in addition of loss of his splintered fragments due to defeat at hands of Alexis Kerib.

Both this form and Primal Fighter are based on Silver Kration, an ideal hero imagined by Hikari and her younger brother in Diaclone VS. Gridman.

  • Gran Primal Accepter usage:
    • Grid Beam (グリッドビーム, Guriddo Bīmu): As Initial Fighter, Gridman retains the access for Grid Beam, which firepower still powerful to destroy a kaiju as a basic long-range offensive attack.

Gridman Primal Fighter

After Samurai Calibur optimized the Junk, Gridman is upgraded into a faster and sleeker form as his color scheme permanently changed into those of red and cyan, echoing the form he based on Ippei Baba. Instead of a forceful absorption into Junk, Yuta is given the Primal Acceptor as a medium to properly merge with Gridman. At this point, he regained much of his lost powers as his splintered fragments were in close proximity (four of them gave rise to original four members of Neon Genesis Junior High Students while the fifth unknowingly possessed Yuta all along). As of GRIDMAN UNIVRRSE

Both this form and Primal Fighter are based on Silver Kration, an ideal hero imagined by Hikari and her younger brother in Diaclone VS. Gridman. Nevertheless, when Gridman chose Yuta as his partner and host once again, he deemed this form suits the latter best and has fully regained his original capabilities.

  • Recovery Mode: Should he severely injured in battle, Gridman (along with Yuta and any Assist Weapons he has with him) will immediately retreat into the Junk to heal themselves, though in that meantime they can only be contacted through the phone as the Junk is inaccessible. This ability also enable them to fake their deaths, as they fooled Rikka, Anti, Akane, and Sho due to them not return for a whole day when performing this ability.
  • Flight: As Primal Fighter, Gridman regains his ability to fly albeit through the form's thrusters on his back and underneath his feet (latter which acts as substitute to Gravity Metal Greaves). He can also use same thrusters to soften his landing, or boost himself.
  • Grid Kinesis: Gridman retains the access for Grid Kinesis ability, which he uses to free Yuta, Rikka, and Sho from Bujack and Akane's influence.
  • Gran Primal Accepter usage:
    • Grid Beam (グリッドビーム, Guriddo Bīmu):: Gridman's Grid Beam as Primal Fighter has been improved, not only he able to use them several times without spending much energy, but also its firepower close to his original form's version.
    • Gridknight Saber Slash: Downgraded version of his Grid Light Saber which, unlike the latter, can only be used as melee attack.
  • Grid Calibur End: Using the Gridman Calibur, Gridman charges towards the enemy with thrusters of his Techtarian Armor and slashes his opponent into half.
  • Fixer Beam (フィクサービーム, Fikusā Bīmu): Gridman retains his use of Fixer Beam in this form. While performing this, he opens extra plating of his Techtarian Armor that conceal Tri-Juster.

Gridman Universe

The Universe Fighter (ユニバースファイター, Yunibāsu Faitā) form is Gridman's ultimate form gained during the conflict against Mad Origin and evolution of Primal Fighter.

When Yuta Hibiki manages to "access flash" inside Gridman's metaverse with Akane Shinjo's help, the two reconcile over their friendship after Gridman's guilt for being Yuta's time gap in the series. This newfound union resulted in a new form amalgamated from every form of the worlds inside his metaverse, while based on the sketches Yuta, Rikka, Utsumi, Yomogi, Yume and Chise drew during the Tsutsujidai High School Festival preparations.

It appears similar to his Initial/Primal Fighter form with the presence of the Tri-Justers (トライジャスター) on his torso, but more characterized with the blue tones that replaces the red from Primal Fighter's appearance. Also, the number of protrusions all over the body has increased and the head becomes streamlined which flows backwards and a distinctive crest shaped like an Ultraseven's Eye Slugger. His body is covered with geometric energy lines throughout the body that shine from default blue to rainbow whenever he increases his power.

To describe the form's omnipotence, Gridman's fighting capabilities are magnified many time the same as his Primal Fighter form and his beam attacks gain metaphysical effects of both destruction and creation. He is capable of flight without the need of Assist Weapons.

Sengoku Gridman
Sengoku Gridman is the latter's adapt from with Eboshi as his merge host from the Warring Period.

Grid Suit (action02)

The Grid Suit (グリッドスーツ, Guriddo Sūtsu) is Gridman when merged with a generic Diaclone powered suit, enhanced with Freezon Energy. This is Gridman's temporary exclusive form in Diaclone VS. Gridman.

  • Emulate Thunder Axe (エミュレート・サンダーアックス, Emyurēto Sandā Akkusu): An axe weapon based on the Gridman Sword's Thunder Axe mode, materialized through Gridman's energy. It is able to generate electromagnetic storms.
  • Launcher Cannons (ランチャーキャノン, Ranchā Kyanon): Two large shoulder cannons.
  • FZ Beam Gun (FZ ビームガン, FZ Bīmu Ga): A handheld beam gun.

Assist Weapons[]

Gridman is armed with Assist Weapons, weapons created and devised by Ippei to assist Gridman in battle before completed by Gridman via. Materialization Beam in Computer World. Initially, Yuka was responsible for handling the programs until Ippei created the Assist Weapon Selector to contain and deploy them easily. With the exception of Gridman Sword, later Assist Weapons (being mechas themselves) are remotely controlled by both Ippei and Yuka through game controllers. They are also modified to become powered suits for Gridman, thus raising his ability perimeters. In the final episode, Khan Digifier invaded Junk's server and destroyed all the Assist Weapons in their data forms, leaving Gridman almost defeated before Takeshi created the Grid Hyper Beam program.

  • Lightning Blitz Blade Gridman Sword: Originally known as Barrier Shield, it is a futuristic shield that can repel any attacks with an ultrahigh electromagnet. The shield also holds a sword called Plasma Blade for Gridman to perform melee with. Anosillus later upgraded Barrier Shield by giving the shield its Gridman Sword configuration.
    • Thunder Axe (サンダーアックス): An alternate configuration of the Gridman Sword in form of an axe.
  • Combination Electrogod God Zenon: A giant robot that combined form the three military vehicle-based Assist Weapons. Created based on the inspiration from a robot toy.
    • Thunder Jet: A fighter jet inspired from a real-life military fighter jet.
    • Twin Driller: A driller tank with a pair of drills, designed after military tanks.
    • God Tank: A caterpillar track-based armored tank that is based on military tanks, especially a missile vehicle.
  • Dragon Fortress: A coalesced aircraft, formed by Dyna Fighter and King Jet. Transforms into Super Dragon Combination Dyna Dragon, a dragonoid mecha based on the fossil of a tyrannosaurus.
    • Dyna Fighter: An aircraft that is initially Dragonic Cannon, inspired from a dragon-themed goods that were buried with a Chinese mummy.
    • King Jet: A large aircraft that was meant to be Dyna Fighter's support.
  • Gridman Calibur: A sentient giant [black and yellow coloured] futuristic sword. As a human, he is known as Samurai Calibur. He watched over Yuta after he awakened as an amnesiac. He is arguably born from Gridman's memories pertaining Gridman Sword.
  • Battle Tracto Max: A colossal [coloured red and grey] 10WD armoured mobile unit, equipped with two smooth-bore cannons: known as Tanker Cannon. His human form is shortened to Max. He, along with his teammates, revealed his identity to Yuta—when (Yuta) Gridman and Calibur made a tactical retreat—shortly after they were overpowered by Anti. He is arguably born from Gridman's memories pertaining God Tank.
  • Buster Borr: His androgynous human form, Borr, is named after the twin-driller tank from Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. Colours: red , grey and yellow. He is arguably born from Gridman's memories pertaining Twin Driller.
  • Sky Vitter: A man who is named after the Vitor fighter jet from Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad. Coloured blue and grey. He is arguably born from Gridman's memories pertaining Thunder Jet.


Video Gallery[]


  • The prop used for Gridman's rising scene was a modification from Tsuburaya's Ultraman Taro's, later for Ultraman 80's.
  • The sans purple-coloring of Gridman's Initial Fighter is a tribute to Naoto Sho's cyan bodysuit during his prior fusion with Gridman after activating the Accepter.
  • Gridman's speech at the end of SSSS.GRIDMAN is semi-identical towards his last speech at the end of Gridman the Hyper Agent.
  • Gridman, in his SSSS.Gridman forms, is the first Tsuburaya character to be featured in a Super Robot Wars game, with his debut in Super Robot Wars 30, followed shortly after by Ultraman in DLC 2.

