It Is Hard to Say In the Classroom (教室じゃ話しにくい, Kyōshitsu ja hanashi nikui) is the first voice drama episode of SSSS.GRIDMAN released alongside the first episode.
Namiko and Hass ask Rikka about what she was doing with Yuta.
- Namiko: Rikka, come with us for a sec. To the vending machine.
- Rikka: Huh?
- Hass: 'Tis an interrogation!
- Rikka: W-whoa, wait--!
- Namiko: Now now, this might be something that's hard to talk about in the classroom, you know.
- Rikka: So... what is it?
- Hass: Don't "what is it?" us! Namiko said she saw you last night, is that right?
- Rikka: Oh... that.
- Hass: Right. Last night. What were you doing with Hibiki Yuuta-kun?
- Namiko: C'mon c'mon, I'll buy you a bottle o' MATCH, so out with it.
- Rikka: I can't drink carbonated stuff though... Wait, I mean, it's not like I'm hiding anything, you know?
- Namiko: Then hurry and spit it out! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon-c'mon-c'mon-c'mon--
- Rikka: Gah--! So yesterday... Hibiki-kun collapsed in front of my place, gone amnesiac, then I brought him to the hospital. That's about it.
- Namiko and Hass: Amnesia!?
- Rikka: It's not that big of a deal, really.
- Namiko and Hass: That's a damn big deal, dammit!
- Namiko: I mean, amnesia? Is that for real?
- Hass: Dayum, dude's in deep doo-doo...
- Rikka: Looks like it's true though. The amnesia stuff.
- Namiko: Oh, gimme a break... isn't it strange that he's collapsed in front of Rikka's house in the first place?
- Hass: Hear, hear. How'd this happen with just Hibiki and Rikka involved?
- Rikka: Uhh... It's not strange though?
- Namiko: Hmm... you're definitely hiding something.
- Hass: Like, what, you two went home together?
- Namiko: For real!?
- Rikka: None of that. For real.
- Namiko: Then what's going on here?
- Rikka: Like, he randomly turned up at my place and said some stuff... what was that about again...?
- Namiko and Hass: You suck at lying or what!?
- Namiko: And wait, you two aren't dating or anything, right?
- Rikka: That's not it! Really!
- Namiko: Mm-hm, I see.
- Hass: Thank goodness... As if a guy like Hibiki would make moves on Rikka-san here. That's just ridiculous.
- Namiko: Yeah, this is the Rikka-san we're talkin' about, you know.
- Hass: The Rikka-san who'd once been a hair model for a parlor in Aoyama, you know!
- Namiko: The Rikka-san who'd once bought an Aroma Diffuser from Francfranc, you know!
- Rikka: Hey, stop making it sound like I do those stuff all the time.
- Namiko: Right then, Rikka-san... What did you have for today's breakfast?
- Rikka: This morning? Well... fruit granola and smoothie. The green stuff.
- Namiko and Hass: There y'go~~
- Rikka: Well excuse me! My mom just bought way too much, so I had to finish them!
- Namiko: So you're trying to live the Terrace House lifestyle now, eh~~
- Hass: Now that's the Rikka-san who'd once been mistaken for a college student at Omotesando!
- Namiko: You might not be aware, Rikka-san, but it's like you're trying too hard to act like an adult, yeah?
- Rikka: What'd you mean I'm trying too hard--
- Namiko: Now wait... Were you that close friends with Hibiki?
- Rikka: Nope, not at all. Haven't talked with him much...
- Namiko: Right.
- Rikka: There's that time, during the ball game rally before summer...
- Namiko: Mm-hm.
- Rikka: I went back to the classroom during break time, and it was just me with Hibiki-kun there...
- Namiko: Mm-hm.
- Rikka: That's when I talked with him a for bit.
- Namiko: Ooh... Wait, what's that about?
- Rikka: I mean, other than that time, I haven't talked with Hibiki-kun much at all.
- Namiko and Hass: R-right...
- Namiko: That sounds... pretty bland.
- Hass: Well, that's Hibiki for ya. Ain't got much special aside from that redness of his hair.
- Namiko: Yup. So red.
- Rikka: Not like it matters how red it is...
- Namiko: Really, if I was a boy, I'd probably not go well with Rikka at all.
- Hass: Me too. A 15-year-old who eats granola and eggs benedict for breakfast is way too much for me to handle.
- Rikka: I don't remember saying I ate any eggs benidict though...
- Namiko: If I'm gonna go with someone from our class, it's gotta be... Akane, yeah?
- Hass: Hear, hear! Super cute, but never around the boys. If I was a boy, I'mma nab her!
- Rikka: Gah... I actually get where you're coming from...
- Namiko: Rikka-san here, on the other hand... She's like a girl who'd get along better with the working adults, yeah? That's no good...
- Rikka: Now you're just stereotyping!
- Hass: Okay then, Rikka... How much did those shoes of yours cost?
- Rikka: These? Let's see... 18,000 yen?
- Hass: Damn, this is why you're--
- Rikka: That's not it! My grandpa bought them for me when I got into high school!
- Namiko: Yeah, yeah~~
- Hass: Gotta have high standards, eh~~
- Namiko: So high~~
- Rikka: I can't help it when the stuff just come naturally, you know!
- Hass: That's our Rikka-san for ya~~
- Rikka: Enough already, jeez...