Gridman Wiki

Juuga (ジュウガ, Juuga) is a character in SSSS.DYNAZENON. He is a member of Kaiju Eugenicists.


Juuga is the tallest person in the Kaiju Eugenicists. He has short brown hair and black glasses (he initially didn't wear the glasses until his eyesight deteriorating in later point of his life). He also seems to dress a little more formally than the rest of his team, seen in photos with the other Eugenicists. However like everyone else he wears the same color pallet as the entire team.


So far Juuga is the most calm, collected and seemingly mature person out of the Eugenicists, with his basic polar opposite being Onija who unlike Juuga is almost always seen yelling or being angered in some way. He also seems to want to get Yomogi Asanaka on their side, with or without Gauma. Juuga would probably be considered the most reasonable out of the four. Juuga has stated he used to look up to Gauma but also seems to be the least affected by his departure.


  • Instance Domination: Using Instance Domination, Juuga can put a kaiju under his control and enlarge it at the same time. He apparently able to use the same ability to analyze the targeted kaiju, most notably upon sensing Sizumu who had merged with Gagula.



  • Appearance-wise, Juuga resembles Masayoshi Oishi, the Japanese musician and singer-songwriter from Uwajima, Ehime. The official SSSS.DYNAZENON Twitter account retweeted him acknowledged this.[1]
    • In lesser extent, he resembles Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu aka. Joker from Persona 5, at least in terms of hairstyle-wise.


The name Juuga is believed to come from the classical Chinese proverb of "駑馬十駕" (Dobajuuga), which can be translated to "an ordinary person can be as good as a smart person if they work hard enough".


