Monsters (怪獣, Kaiju, lit. Strange Beast) are the staple antagonists of Gridman franchise.
In both Gridman the Hyper Agent and Gridman Universe, Kaiju serve as primary threat that Gridman and other heroes must face, be it in real world or Computer World.
Denkou Choujin Gridman[]
In Denkou Choujin Gridman, the kaiju were created by human accomplice, Takeshi Todo and animated by mastermind, Khan Digifer to do their biddings, more than often acting on the former's petty grudges to the catastrophic extremes that Kahn Digifer intends to have an effect on the human world. The chaos they caused obviously not limited to hack and/or destroy entire city's computer systems, as some cases show them causing affected system to execute functions that normally impossible in normal circumstances, such as creating a dimensional rift or turning a microwave into a bomb which supposedly strong enough to level entire apartment.
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad[]
In Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad, the Mega-Virus Monsters are menacing collaborations between Malcolm Frink and Kilokahn. Like the JP counterpart, they are created to topple human civilization and ruining Sam Collins's life by hacking electronics through Computer World, only for Sam to become Servo's host and combat their threat.
The kaiju are project creations by Alexis・Kerib and Akane Shinjo with the same obedience nature towards its creators. According to Gridman and Anosillus the 2nd, they are soulless entities mirroring their creator's purpose into killing those Akane dislikes, all while causing destruction in their path.
Other than Akane's creations, there are independent kaiju who don't associate to either side such as Anosillus the 2nd, her parent/prepredecessor, and later Anti.
Anti was more sentiment due to his undeniable human-like qualities and his desire to defeat Gridman. After he evolved into Gridknight, Anti becomes more empathetic event towards his kin as he sensed nothing in the erratic Nanashi except Akane's negative feelings from her creative breakdown and depression during sculpting its model. Akane sculpted a handful of Nanashi prior to Ghoulghilas (not counting her Venoras through which she manages all systems in Tsutsujidai),[1] yet he didn't summon them back to combat Anti and Gridman,[2] arguably due to ill-suited to combat them.
Kaiju under Kaiju Eugenicists' control were invented by an ancient yet extremely advanced civilization from 5000 years back — the same civilization the group happened to be part of. Said civilization's advancements beyond other nations in its time were made possible by its success in discovering the preternatural technique to transcend time, space, life and death themselves. By peering into the future through the same technique, which eventually christened as Power of the Kaiju due its eventual focus on Kaiju control, Kaiju Eugenicists' home civilization learned how to develop at least two artefacts via. knowledge that not supposed to be discovered until 20000 years after the present day; Kaiju Seed and a superweapon Gauma's late lover sealed within his dragon ornament.[3][4][5]
Kaiju Seed is the inert form of Kaijus developed by Kaiju Eugenicist's civilization. In order to turn it into an actual Kaiju, the Seed must be discreetly placed in a populated area so it can grow by feeding on emotional energies of the area's inhabitants. The appearance and abilities of resulted Kaiju seemingly related to psyche of those who provide most power (ex. Gagula's immense powers and monstrous appearance was the byproduct of balanced strong emotional energies Yomogi and Yume emanated as the former helped the latter overcoming her PTSD stemmed from Kano's tragic death just as Goldburn's transition into a sentient golden robot as opposed of traditional Kaiju attributed to its mistress Chise's loneliness and strong desire to help her friends in any way she could), though they all shared a common feature in form of at least one crystalline structure called Vibratory Wave Organ. Resembling man-made antenna at varying degree relative to the appearance of the Kaiju's matured form, it's through this organ the developing Kaiju siphons emotional energies from those around it. The Organ only attains its prominent shape if the developing Kaiju is empowered by at least two people; Golburn's Vibratory Wave Organ never fully manifested due to fueled by a single individual (Chise). Some Kaijus even perform their special abilities through their Vibratory Wave Organs thus rupturing them being the only way to reduce said abilities' effectiveness.
Kaiju Eugenicists members discreetly spread a handful of Kaiju Seeds all over the target human populace so they can have substantial amount of Kaijus in their disposal to remake the world in their own image. But even they aware such modus operandi being counterproductive as only few of the Seeds that fully matured into the desired Kaijus while the rest being either failed to grow or become undesirable defects.
List of Kaijus/Mega-Viruses[]
Denkou Choujin Gridman (JP) | Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (US) |
Gilarus | Krono |
Bamora | Sybo |
Volcadon | Kathod |
Bagira | Hock |
Anosillus | Manfu (good) |
Plexton |
Blizzalar | Gramm |
Skorn |
Terragaia | Nixtor |
Chronic |
Magnegauss | Kord |
Imitation Anosillus | Manfu (evil) |
Trembulor |
Dazzlba | Nightmare Virus |
Plandon | Thorned Virus |
Venora | |
Boranga | |
Jubagon | Unnamed Virus #1 |
Teleboze | Sydney's Virus |
Gyurunba | Sucker Virus |
Chidogerah | Skeleton Virus |
Abumaru | Blink |
Goromaking | Rock n' Roll Virus |
Devil Phazer | Stupid Virus |
Khan Giorgio | |
Skubone | Smog Virus |
Akane and Alexis | Other |
Venora (Akane ver.) | Diriver (by Anti) |
Anosillus II (independent) |
Devadadan | Anosillus (independent) |
Anti | |
Gonglee | |
Go'yavec | |
Diriver | |
Bujack | |
Nanashi | |
Zegga (Akane's kaiju form) |
- ↑ SSSS.GRIDMAN: Awakening
- ↑ SSSS.GRIDMAN: Decisive Battle
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- Like all various Japanese fictions, the monsters appear as a staple of primary antagonists in various tokusatsu franchise.
- Curiously, the localization of the term Kaiju into Mega-Virus in Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad was rather fitting as in both series and its source material proper, Gridman the Hyper Agent, Kaiju/Mega-Virus Monsters act as computer virus, wreaking havoc upon computer systems within targeted electronics, reprogramming it under behalf of their creators.
- So far none of the featured Kaijus being organic life:
- Denkou Choujin Gridman and Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad portrayed Kaiju as sentient computer viruses deployed by Takeshi Todo and Khan Digifer/Malcolm Frink and Kilokahn to wreak havoc upon or hack targeted electronics though parts of Computer World linked to electronics in question.
- SSSS. Gridman introduced Akane Shinjo and Alexis・Kerib' take of Kaiju as part of maintenance system in simulated city of Tsutsujidai.
- SSSS. Dynazenon features Kaiju Eugenicists' own take of Kaiju where this time, being sentient weapons of mass-destruction with more preternatural elements surrounding their creation.
- Mad Origin, the mastermind behind anomalies occurring in the events of GRIDMAN UNIVERSE, is the aggregate of humanity's darkest aspects that had become the greatest threat to multiverses.
- Befitting to their nature as her creations and even fueled by her very negative emotions to the boot, the roars of Akane's line of kaiju except Nanashi and Venora series are actually the voice of Reina Ueda, her seiyū, speaking certain words/sentences which then digitally altered (this only more apparent in Japanese version considering dubbed version had said roars being kept yet deepened and lower pitched). This also apply to Zegga (Akane's Kaiju form):
- Ghoulghilas: 死ぬ (Shinu, lit. Die)
- Devadadan: 殺す (Korosu, lit. Kill)
- Gonglee: キモい (Kimoi, lit. Disgusting)
- Go'yavec: 帰りたい (Kaeritai, lit. I want to go home)
- Bujack: (行かないで, Ikanaide, lit. Don't leave me)
- Zegga: いや (Iya, lit. No)