King Gridman (キンググリッドマン, Kingu Guridoman) is Gridman's secondary upgrade form from the Dragon Emperor Combination (竜帝合体, Ryuutei Gattai) with Dyna Dragon in Denkou Choujin Gridman.
Technical Overview[]
King Gridman is Gridman's second upgraded form accessible by use of King Jet that reconfigure itself into armor he wears. Compared towards Thunder Gridman, King Gridman armor provides Gridman greater speed and agility along with its own set of arsenal and gas mask to counteract gas-based attacks.
Attacks & Abilities[]
- King Grid Beam: King Gridman's enhanced Grid Beam which performed in the same manner which Thunder Grid Beam, albeit stronger in terms of firepower.
- King Grid Fire: King Gridman's improved version of Thunder Grid Fire.
- Penetrator Cannons: Built-in cannons on King Gridman's forearms which projects armor-piercing beams that can peel off most resilient of kaiju hide.
- King Fixer Beam: King Gridman's upgraded version of the Fixer Beam.
- Dragonic Cannon: While excluded from the combination, the assist weapon itself can be usable as a shoulder cannon attachment that projects flame blasts called Dragon Fire. It was only shown in Denkou Choujin Gridman: "boys invent great hero".