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My Orders Are Absolute (私の命令は絶対だからね, Watashi no meirei wa zettai dakare ne) is a bonus voice drama included exclusively in Volume 1 of the SSSS.GRIDMAN Blu-ray and DVD release, and chronologically concurrent to the second voice drama episode.


Akane and Alexis talk about Anti, who had just been newly created. He then gets hungry, so they have to bring him out to eat.


  • Alexis・Kerib: Instance Abreaction!(Alexis' eyes flash)
  • Alexis・Kerib: Akane-kun. What could the concept of this one be? I can't see it as anything other than a human...
  • Akane: Well, let's say that I'm reconsidering how I'd been doing it up to now.
  • Alexis・Kerib: Ooh...
  • Akane: So, I thought it might be nice to have a Kaiju that thinks and learns by itself... And you know, Gridman did suddenly whip out that... sword? Well, a weapon, so...
  • Alexis・Kerib: He sure did! That was so unfair! Our side was empty-handed, too.
  • Akane: I know, right!? That's why my boy here's gonna have the ability to copy Gridman's powers!
  • Alexis・Kerib: Good, good! As expected of Akane-kun!
  • Akane: Oh, stop it. I'm blushing here~~
  • Alexis・Kerib: Oh, no, I wasn't trying to flatter you!
  • Akane: Then keep the compliments coming~~
  • Alexis・Kerib: Ho ho ho ho!
  • Akane: He he he he!
  • Akane: (to the newly created Anti) Now, Anti, my orders are absolute, got it?
  • Anti: Got it.
  • Akane: You better defeat Gridman.
  • Anti: I'll definitely defeat him.
  • Alexis・Kerib: Anti?
  • Akane: That's his name. Anti-kun.
  • Anti: (Anti's stomach growl)
  • Alexis・Kerib: Hmm?
  • Akane: Ah... you hungry?
  • Anti: Mm-hm.
  • Alexis・Kerib: He's hungry, even though he's a Kaiju?
  • Akane: I did create him based on the human image, after all. We don't have any food around though...
  • Alexis・Kerib: Well then, why don't we eat out?
  • Akane: Right now? It's pretty late into the night.
  • Alexis・Kerib: Have no fear! I'll bring out a car!
  • Akane: Yay~! (enters the car alongside Alexis a while later) Anti, you're in the back seat. C'mon, strap on the seat belt.
  • Anti: Hmm?
  • Akane: Ugh, fine... (straps Anti his seat belt) There. Done.
  • Alexis・Kerib: (waiting expectantly at the driver's seat) Well, then! Where should we go?
  • Akane: (thinking as their car move through Tsutsudjidai streets) Hmm, where indeed... Anti, what do you want to eat?
  • Anti: (remains silent despite his stomach growls, unsure what to answer)
  • Akane: Let's see... Japanese, Western, Chinese, Italian... Any preferences?
  • Anti: All of them.
  • Alexis・Kerib: Ha ha ha ha ha! Then why don't we go around slowly and stop at a good place when we see it?
  • Akane: Hmm, eating out late at night sure is nice, eh?
  • Alexis・Kerib: Indeed, it is. Now then! Roll out~!
  • Akane: Would be nice if there was a family restaurant on our way...
  • Alexis・Kerib: I'm sure there are indeed quite a few places along this road.
  • Akane: Oh, really... -- But wait, Alexis, you do have a car driving license, right?
  • Alexis・Kerib: License? Ah, I was thinking about getting one sometime later.
  • Akane: (after an awkward silence) Ah, there's "Bikkuri Donkey"! There, right there!
  • Alexis・Kerib: Ohh, it is indeed!
  • Anti: "Bikkuri Donkey... "
  • Akane: The servings are, like, this big! (gestures about the restaurant's dishes) They're hamburg steaks, so, Japanized Western food? Lots'a meat!
  • Anti: I see.
  • Akane: So, how about we go with Bikkuri Donkey?
  • Anti: Mm-hm.
  • Akane: Alright, Alexis, that's the one! (they drive past their destination) Huh...? Wha-- huh? I said we're doing "Bikkuri Donkey"! Aren't we going to go past it like this? W-wait a sec! Ahh! We're past it already!
  • Alexis・Kerib: We went past it, indeed.
  • Akane: Oh c'mon! Didn't I already tell you that we're doing "Bikkuri Donkey"?
  • Alexis・Kerib: (laughs awkwardly) Ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Akane: Jeez...
  • Anti: So, we can't eat at "Bikkuri Donkey"?
  • Akane: Oh y'know, Alexis didn't stop the car, so...
  • Alexis・Kerib: How Anti-climactic, eh?
  • Akane: ...That's a lame one. (brief awkward silence later) Ah, wait!
  • Alexis・Kerib: Hmm?
  • Akane: There's "Kura Zushi"! C'mon, let's do "Kura Zushi"! It's a sushi-go-round!
  • Anti: Sushi-go-round?
  • Akane: It's Japanese food. Plates of different types come and go 'round, like this (describes the dish).
  • Anti: I see.
  • Akane: This "Kura Zushi" place is got Italian Cheese Hamburg, too, you know!
  • Alexis・Kerib: That was your way of getting back at me for earlier, wasn't it?
  • Akane: Alright! Let's go with "Kura Zushi"! (they drive past their destination, again) Akane: Eh? Huh? I said we're doing Kura Zushi! Alexi-- What? Oh c'mon, we're past it already!
  • Alexis・Kerib: Ha ha ha ha—
  • Akane: (kicks in frustration) Seriously! Didn't I tell you that we're doing "Kura Zushi"!? Why didn't you stop!?
  • Alexis・Kerib: Akane-kun! There! Look over there!
  • Akane: Huh? "Sushiro"?
  • Anti: "Sushiro"?
  • Akane: Sushi-go-round! Then we're doing Sushiro? You better stop the car this time, alright? (they drive past their destination, again) ...Huh? Wait, I said stop! We're (kicks in frustration) past Sushiro (kicks in frustration) already!
  • Alexis・Kerib: Akane-kun! Look! Over there!
  • Akane: What now!? Huh? "Totoyamichi"?
  • Anti: "Totoyamichi"
  • Akane: (they drive past their destination, again) ...And we went past it. Say, Alexis, do you know what brakes are?
  • Alexis・Kerib: Brakes? Ah, I was thinking about learning to use it sometime later.
  • Akane: Learn to use it right now!!
  • Alexis・Kerib: (stomps the brakes only to lose control over their car) Oof! (the group's car crashes to the point of eventually explodes, though its occupants managed to bail out of the harm's way) Oh ho ho ho! Good grief... Akane-kun, you're so violent...
  • Akane: (coughs) It's your fault, Alexis... How'd you even not know the brakes? (notices that Anti is missing) ...Huh? Where's Anti?
  • Anti: (crawling out of the rubble) Over here.
  • Akane: Whoa... that's a Kaiju for ya. Looking perfectly fine there.
  • Anti: My seat belt was strapped on, so I've managed.
  • Alexis・Kerib: Mm-hm. Seat belts are important indeed.
  • Anti: (stomach growls)...
  • Akane: Oh c'mon, I'm feeling sorry for Anti here... He's been hungry all this time, you know?
  • Anti: So, we can't eat anything today?
  • Akane: Ah... Sorry, really. Let's see... Ah, that. There's a convenience store over there.
  • Alexis・Kerib: You're fine with the convenience store, even though we've come out all this way?
  • Akane: Well, the car's totally busted now.
  • Alexis・Kerib: It is indeed. Let's walk there.
  • Akane: I'm sorry, really. Will you be fine with a convenience store bento?
  • Anti: I'm fine with anything.
  • Akane: (enters the store's sliding door before noticing Alexis' absence) Huh? Where's Alexis?
  • Anti: Gone to the other side.
  • Akane: Huh? Oh, you're right. What's he doing?
  • Anti: Said he'll be making a phone call to the accident report counter.
  • Akane: He's got auto insurance?
  • Anti: What's a phone, anyway?
  • Akane: Oh, come to think of it, it'd be better for you to have one as well, huh, Anti? I'll buy one for you later, alright?
  • Anti: (contemplating) Phone...
  • Akane: (opening take out carton full of bento from her bag) Here's your bento, Anti. Go on, eat up.
  • Anti: You're not eating?
  • Akane: Well, I like to look at people eating. C'mon, eat.
  • Anti: (eats voraciously like an animal)
  • Akane: Is it good?
  • Anti: (continues eating)
  • Akane: Heh heh... Anti.
  • Anti: (looks up) Hmm?
  • Akane: You better defeat Gridman.
  • Anti: (with food in mouth) I'll definitely defeat him.
  • Akane: I'm expecting good things from you!


  • The voice drama reveals that Alexis has a car and has it insured, but he lacks a driver's license and his driving skill leaves much to be desired (he has no idea how to operate the brake properly) leading him to crash it in addition of missing their intended destinations. Given to his true colors in the final episode of SSSS.GRIDMAN, it's plausible that he merely intends to mess around Akane and Anti.


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