Shalbandes (シャルバンデス, Sharubandesu) is one of Kaijus in SSSS.DYNAZENON deployed by Kaiju Eugenicists.
A massive black, silver, purple, and red Kaiju vaguely resembling turtle with electric blue meridian glows all over its body, it has a round shell with pointy sides and hollowed on the back, exposing magenta scutes through which it unleashes spark-like gravity field. It also has vaguely shark-like crested head at the end of flat neck which shares the same shape as the tail.
Shalbandes is a formidable adversary for Gauma and co. who just piloted Dynazenon for the first time and would've won the battle had it not unveiled its monstrous combination Dyna Rex. To be fair however, its pilots have yet to familiarize themselves with the mecha's systems at the moment and had they do, they would've easily defeated it without shifting to such form.
- Levitation: Shalbandes' main ability is to generate spark-like waves that allows it to cause things around it as well as its target(s) to float around in the air uncontrollably before dispelling the waves' effect, damaging them by the fall.
- Electric Beam: Shalbandes' long-range attack where it emits a beam of electricity against enemies with firepower enough to blow buildings into pieces.
- Extendable Neck and Bladed Head: Shalbandes can extend its neck like some sort of whip sword where each part is bladed and connected with blue energy thread. Coupled with its head blade, it can perform a devastating thrust attack that can potentially severely damage the likes of Dynazenon and other kaijus.